Bach (born in Eisenach, Germany, March 21, 1685 - died July 28, 1750 at the age of 65 years [1]) is a German composer. He composed the music for a musical instrument organ, harpsichord and clavichord, and also for the orchestra. His most famous work is the Brandenburg concerto.Biografi
The musicologist divides all Bach composition in five days, each composition shows a fairly specific style differences when compared to each other in the making. Who make different styles of songs Bach others is that all the songs that made a good song Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring or songs made mostly devoted to God.
Bach was born on March 21, 1685 in the town of Eisenach, Germany. Her father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, he was a trumpet player and conductor of the city orchestra [2]. Johann Sebastian was the youngest of eight children. At the time Bach's parents died in 1695 he moved to Ohrdruf and was raised by his older brother, Johann Christoph Bach. In Ohrdruf, Bach Lyceum school to continue their education. Bach fairly well in school, from Bach taught his older brother played the organ and also the possibility of learning to play the violin. Bach taught himself the science of the composition in the usual manner and prevalent at that time, ie copying books music composers of Baroque compositions.
At the age of 15 years, Bach was forced out of her sister's house because the number of their family members continues to grow. Bach through the mediation of a member of his school music leaders in the church choir singer Michaliskirche, in the town of Luneburg. Bach met with important composers of the time, George Boehm (1661-1773), Bach later became his student in the field of composition....
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